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Things You Should Know Before Bringing a Parrot into Your Home

May 15, 2024

May 31 marks World Parrot Day! Polly is an amazing pet, bringing happiness, liveliness, and beautiful melodies into our lives and homes. These stunning birds, along with corvids like crows and ravens, are among the most intelligent feathered companions we have. This article explores the topic of parrots, as discussed by a Brookville, PA veterinarian.

Should I Get A Parrot As A Pet?

Maybe. It differs depending on the bird and the individual. Parrots can make a great addition to some households, while for others, they may not be the most suitable option.

Do a lot of research before purchasing a pet parrot. Consider how much money you have, how much time you can give, and whether you have other pets in the house.

It’s important to become acquainted with different parrot species in order to choose the ideal match. You should also learn about sickness symptoms, adequate care guidelines, appropriate toys and treats, and effective bonding tactics.

Your Brookville, PA vet is an excellent resource for this!

What Is The History Behind Parrot Day?

The World Parrot Trust declared the first-ever official parrot holiday on May 31, 2004. Mike Reynolds, a dedicated parrot enthusiast who sadly passed away in 2007, founded the group to provide support and raise awareness for these magnificent birds. The organization continues to thrive even after all these years. They are certainly important. Wild parrot species across the world are in danger of becoming extinct.

World Parrot Day celebrates these vibrant and charming birds and reminds us of the importance of taking action. Parrots are commonly found in a wide range of tropical and subtropical regions. Currently, approximately one-third of wild parrots are classified as threatened or endangered, and numerous species are teetering on the edge of extinction.

The reasons for this are probably not surprising. Habitat loss, pollution, and the illegal trade of wild birds are the primary factors contributing to the decline in bird populations. While there are a handful of protected habitats, most are either too small or fail to offer the ideal conditions.

To learn more about them and ways to get involved, visit their website here.

How Many Different Species Of Parrots Are There In Total?

There are around 400 different types of parrots, or psittacines. Polly’s family tree has four branches: Psittaculidae (Old World parrots), Psittacidae (African and New World parrots), Cacatuoides (cockatoos), and Strigopidae (New Zealand parrots including kea, kākā, and kākāpō).

Consider These Things Before Bringing A Parrot Into Your Home

We strongly advise thoroughly considering and extensively researching before making the decision to adopt a pet. This is especially true for parrots. Polly is unquestionably captivating and endearing, but she does require a tad more dedication and nurturing than other pets.

Your Bird May Outlive You

This is a crucial one. Parrots are well-known for their remarkably long lifespans, with certain individuals living for over a century!

Incorporating Polly into your life will require a big, long-term commitment. Only continue if you are ready to commit yourself fully. Parrots form strong emotional connections with their owners and get extremely depressed and upset if separated from them.

Parrots Need Lots Of Mental Stimulation

Parrots are energetic, curious, and extremely intelligent. Polly should have plenty of opportunities to enjoy herself outside of her enclosure. Your colorful pal will also need a diverse selection of engaging toys. Remember to frequently rotate these to maintain her interest. (On a brighter note, you may find your cute pet’s playful antics incredibly entertaining.) If you need further details, please reach out to your veterinarian.

They Can Be Quite Loud

When thinking about parrots as pets, it’s crucial to take into account their volume levels. While not all of them are particularly loud, there are some vibrant birds that possess an impressive range of volume. Rose-ringed parakeets, also known as Indian Ringnecks, have the ability to produce sounds that can reach an impressive 111 decibels.

Some other birds that are known for being, well, pretty noisy include Macaws, Conures, Cockatoos, Amazon Parrots, and Lories.

Just to give you some perspective, a Boeing 747 generates around 140 decibels of noise. A rock event generally maintains a sound level of approximately 100 decibels. Owning a pet that fearlessly belts out Sweet Caroline at full volume can be quite amusing, although it may not be everyone’s cup of tea.

Some parrots, such as cockatiels, parakeets, budgies, Pacific parrotlets, and Senegal parrots, are relatively quiet. Finches and canaries, while not parrots, are fairly quiet, calm, and gentle.

Not All Parrots Can Speak

Parrots have a remarkable ability to communicate. The African Grey parrot is widely recognized for its remarkable talent in imitating human speech. The little budgie has remarkable communication skills! Puck, one of these little birds, was known for her exceptional mastery of language. The cute little bundle of feathers had an impressive collection of 1728 words, earning her a spot in the Guinness Book of World Records.

The Rose-Ringed Parakeet, Moluccan Eclectus, and Yellow-Headed Parrot also possess impressive communication skills. There are several bird species known for their ability to mimic human speech, such as the Budgerigar, Eclectus Parrot, Parakeet, Amazon Parrots, Macaw, Cockatoo, Cockatiel, Common Hill Myna, Monk Parakeet, Blue-And-Yellow Macaw, Mockingbird, Parrotlet, Common Raven, and Starlings.

It’s important to remember that birds’ speech abilities can vary significantly from one bird to another.

Parrots Demand A Considerable Amount Of Care And Attention

Polly is bursting with energy, brimming with vitality, and constantly engaged in activities, so she’ll need ample time to explore and have fun. Always keep an eye on your colorful pet when she ventures out of her cage and make sure your home is bird-proof.

Maintaining a clean cage for your winged companion and ensuring she has access to fresh food and water every day is essential. For daily spot cleaning, removing waste, providing fresh food and water, and changing the cage liner is the bare minimum. (Tip: Consider using layers of newspaper or butcher paper at the bottom of the cage to make this procedure easier. Take out the soiled one at the top, and you’ll uncover a new one beneath.)  

You’ll need to do more extensive follow-up weekly cleanings, which would include cleaning and rearranging your colorful friend’s perches, and a full deep clean around once a month. 

Ask your veterinarian for personalized guidance on this matter.

You’ll Need To Be Careful About Bird Proofing

While all pets face potential dangers in a regular household, birds are especially vulnerable to hidden hazards. It’s important to be aware of any potential dangers that could threaten the safety of your bird. Small or sharp objects; fumes, such as smoke, perfume, candles, incense, and cooking odors; open windows and doors; fans; and water sources, like sinks, toilets, pots, and fish tanks, are a few examples of potential dangers. Other concerns include things like ropes and cords, other pets, window treatments, and mirrors. For more information, reach out to your Brookville, PA veterinarian.

Schedule An Appointment With A Brookville, PA Avian Veterinarian 

Do you have any questions about parrot care? Are you interested in scheduling an appointment for your beloved bird? If you require any assistance, feel free to contact us at any time. Our Brookville, PA pet hospital is dedicated to providing exceptional care for your beloved pets.