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FAQS About Adopting A Guinea Pig 

It’s Adopt A Rescued Guinea Pig Month! We usually focus on dogs and cats, but we’re happy to turn the spotlight on these beloved children’s pets for this blog. Guinea pigs’ popularity has increased significantly since the start of the…

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Senior Dog Feeding Tips

Is your dog approaching–or perhaps already in–his golden years? Our canine pals don’t always age at the same rate. Large dogs age more rapidly than little ones. A Saint Bernard may be a senior at just five years old, while…

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Hedgehog Care FAQs

February brings to mind two things: Valentine’s Day and Groundhog Day. Every year, people eagerly anticipate the arrival of Punxsutawney Phil, and find out if he sees his shadow. (Interestingly, in 2024, he did not see it, signaling an early…

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Reptile Care: Keeping A  Bearded Dragon Healthy

Did you know that bearded dragons are becoming very popular reptiles? Beardies are a top choice among reptile enthusiasts, and for good reason. Their low-maintenance nature makes them ideal for beginner keepers. However, like other reptiles, bearded dragons do have…

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Tips For Keeping Your Cat Out Of The Tree

Happy Holidays! One of the joys of this special season is seeing all of the lovely decorations everyone puts up. We also love receiving cards and pictures from our clients. As you can imagine, we get some pretty cute photos…

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